Our location is easily reachable and it is equally easy to reach all the main cities of Tuscany, both by private transport and by train. Lamporecchio really enjoys a favorable location.
We are located between, in a clockwise direction, Pistoia, Prato, Florence and Empoli to the south, then we arrive in Pisa and Lucca. We are in the main square of Lamporecchio, a well-signposted town with clear indications on all main and secondary roads.
A place to discover.

We are among the hills, among the rows of vines and olive trees, in the place that for us is the most beautiful in the world. The landscapes of Tuscany always warm the heart, in every season they can be seen.

We are in the heart of the culture of the Italian language, in the places that gave birth to many world famous artists.

This is the area where you can find many well know gastronomic excellences and diversity regarding many agri-food productions.

This is the place where many people have wanted to find a refuge because it is still quiet and on a human scale.

You can also look at the map and see our photos but nothing is better than seeing with your own eyes.

So, if you really want to know where we are, it's better come and visit us!
